Sad? Tired? Frustrated? Prayer is not enough!

14 February, 2025

Catholics everywhere need to remain informed and educated about what is happening around us. Jesus taught us that we need to seek both holiness and justice. For example, he said “the laborer is worthy of his hire”. Today that translates into “a just days’ pay for a just days’ work”.

This Jubilee Year St Mary of the Angel’s is offering you an opportunity to be a person who seeks justice. Hardship and poverty are being addressed slowly by a Christian movement called “Living Wage Aotearoa”.

Next Sunday, 23rd February, after the 9am, 11am, and 5pm St Mary of the Angels Masses, we are offering a 15-minute workshop on ‘Living Wage Aotearoa’ in the Parish Hall.

Attendees of the workshop will be informed about and will learn more about the Christian call to holiness and justice through the ‘Living Wage Aotearoa’.