Calling all Young Adults in the Wellington CBD!
14 March, 2024Join SMAYACS (St Mary of the Angels Young Adults) and find a vibrant community of faith, friendship, and fun!
We gather regularly at St Mary of the Angels for:
- Prayer: We have our Young Adults Mass (last Sunday of the month at 5pm) and Eucharistic Adoration (second Friday of the month after the 5.15pm Mass). We also have Praise & Worship Nights at the crypt (usually held on the third Friday of each month).
- Formation: Join our Theology on Tap sessions featuring our wonderful speakers (dates and times announced online monthly).
- Fellowship: We run a few social events throughout the year – but first, come along to grab a bite to eat or a drink after Mass and Adoration.
We are always looking for volunteers to help, especially for the Young Adults Mass, so flick us a message if you would like to serve. If you are a keen musician, you may also want to join our Young Adults Choir!
Stay connected and follow us online for more information and updates on all our events, including specific times and locations:
- Instagram: @smayacs
- Facebook: @smayacs1
- Email: